Movoda Manual - Alarensproraidtips

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With the rise of people that are fairly new to the raid scene I figured now is a good time for a retired raider to give some tips to help out the average joe

Tip 1: Eat More Tacos
Tip 2: Eat More Gazpacho
Tip 3: Eat More Goulash
Tip 4: Lose Less

Viva La Revolución! Free Alaren

Real Tips

Never hesitate to eat as much food as needed for victory... foods are free (unless you buy them) and have no other use, whereas 250 damage shocks send a clear message to any potential enemies that you are not to be taken lightly

Have a clear objective for whatever guild wars actions you take, be it raiding for a fight, doing a destroy to prove a point, a war for an artifact, or even sneak attacks for free loot

Be prepared. Whatever your objective is make sure you've got enough of whatever you need to make it happen. 99% of the time the better prepared guild will win a fight

If you're raiding just for loot... do a little scouting, its not hard to see how many players are active and online in a guild and schedule attacks for the time of lowest activity... scouting gives you something to do while those timers tick down :)

ALWAYS bring a sled, wagon, large wagon (whichever is appropriate for you) they're very inexpensive, if there's a no show its a boost to your carrying capacity

If someone joins a fight with less than 60 seconds before the raid they don't get to take part... I figure most people know this, but included just in case

Regardless of walls if you have 30 agility more than defenders you will win 99% of the time if you wait it out (assuming there's no circumstances, naked, low magic, opponent eats foods, etc)

Ration foods intelligently, never leave yourself without a good sized stock to account for raids against your guild or allies. By the same token remember that if you have size-able walls that its not always necessary to eat tacos to defend... assuming the attackers don't have a fighter with 30 more agility than you then you can get by just eating gazpacho (be sure to eat enough though)

Poison effectively reduces opponent combat level by 1 (-1 agility -1 attack -1 defense) whenever possible have as many of your level 40–64 fighters with two poison weapons

Fatigue affects all stats EXCEPT agility (possibly speed, but if you're expecting a long fight bring penos anyway)

In the case of guilds who don't see much guild wars action they may get complacent, if you're feeling brave schedule a war against a bigger guild and hope for a no show... loot on these should be enormous and worse case you can always no show

Always have as many guild members as are online at the time of a raid show, if there's a no show then its more potential loot, if not then they can draw accidental attacks early in the fight, allowing your bigger fighters more time to remove the biggest threats on opponents side

Retal in force. The number 1 way to prevent future raids is to bring down swift and furious revenge on anyone who attacks you, this tactic has worked for many guilds in the past. If you take this route make certain you come prepared, eat enough to make sure you don't lose and make an ass of yourself

When defending allies it never hurts for a few of your members to eat some foods, your allies will be more willing to do the same for you

If you have a problem with someone's tactics then do something about it, mouthing off in fight logs because someone didn't stay for a fight or snuck in and took your loot only makes you look like a fool