Movoda Manual - Qball

Getting Started
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Member Since: 2007-11-23 15:49:35
Active playing time: 157 Days, 10 Hours, 23 Minutes
Member Number: 0000003821
Character Experience: 3,363,410
Character Level: 42
Highest Skill: Fishing Level 42
Nationality: Erfdarian
Guild: Sin Incorporated
Guild Position: Master Sinner

Qball's Skills
  • Fishing Level 42 (3,564,326 Exp)
  • Harvesting Level 35 (1,634,714 Exp)
  • Speed Level 29 (835,073 Exp)
  • Smithing Level 25 (521,640 Exp)
  • Woodcutting Level 22 (310,425 Exp)
  • Mining Level 20 (236,041 Exp)
  • Magic Level 19 (193,626 Exp)
  • Cooking Level 18 (171,580 Exp)
  • Combat Level 17 (136,494 Exp)
  • Construction Level 12 (45,782 Exp)
  • Trading Level 8 (11,630 Exp)
  • Cards Level 3 (1,100 Exp)
  • Crafting Level 1 (75 Exp)

Ranked #1,263 in Character Experience
at level 42 with 3,363,410 experiance

Monsters killed by Qball
  • 1,996 Bear
  • 2 Bunny
  • 1,473 Chicken
  • 2,073 Cougar
  • 474 Deer
  • 227 Elephant
  • 26 Fairy
  • 367 Fox
  • 4 Frog
  • 3 Ghost
  • 330 Giant Bomb Beetle
  • 346 Giant Bug Beetle
  • 359 Giant Ravager Beetle
  • 425 Grizzly Bear
  • 31 Hawk
  • 2 King Bear
  • 140 Lion
  • 1 Marakite Mage
  • 3 Marakite Master
  • 6 Marakite Trainee
  • 6 Nagaromi Miner
  • 44 Nagaromi Scout
  • 3 Nagaromi Spearman
  • 14 Nagaromi Woodcutter
  • 224 Squirrel
  • 541 Wolf

law310 was here! i founded the pic on i think it looks like u =D

!!(green)vilsonia shimmied by to say hi

Dasea was here~!

Just wanted to drop by and say hi Qball

vilsonia shimmied by to say hi!!

| mom loves you

Swing'n on your page to say hey...CQ

sup son?

just whanted to say hi awesome page>:)

you are the best brother in the whole wide wrold

3677 people have vistied

Silk dropped by for a hop and a flop

sup qdude
space was here

peachtails bounced by :)

lizard was here... hey cool pg. :)