Movoda Manual - RejectedIdeas

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This page covers some of the most common ideas that have been rejected mskwik himself (or overwhelmingly by the community in some cases) and reasons explaining why feel free to post things that are rejected as they happen, once a fair sized list is compiled we will try to get it stickied at the top of feature requests

Table of Contents

Guild ResourcesBeeping BotchecksCombat SpellsGuild Compound Locations
Allied Defenders' EquipmentNPC siege weaponsSpeed EXP. in Combat

Table Of Contents
Guild pond/mine/forest/fountain

Rejected by: Mskwik
guild buildings are only going to be used for skills that have limits, Harvesting has the limitation of space and time, Smithing, Crafting, and Cooking require resources to be able to perform their skills... since there's no limit to the amount of ore you can mine (or stone as the case may be), wood you can chop, fish you can fish, or bottles you can fill there will be no guild buildings for any of these things

Table Of Contents
Beeping botchecks

Rejected by: Mskwik
Players that don't play afk are meant to have an advantage, with speed you can't get afk exp outside of special events, combat you get more exp if you active fight, in other skills the time delay of noticing your botcheck is meant to be something that benefits those that pay more attention

Table Of Contents
Combat Spells

Rejected by: Mskwik
There will be no spells that add to stats that are gained only by combat or character levels or any more direct damage spells similar to shock according to msk

Table Of Contents
More Guild Compounds per Location

Rejected by: Community
The guilds that have gotten prime locations have been here longer and as such earned them, Movoda is an ever expanding world and more locations will be put into the game before we run out of places for guild compounds

Table Of Contents
Allied Defenders Risk Equipment

Rejected by: Community
Scared it will make it so that nobody defends their allies or something

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NPC shop to sell seige weapons

Rejected by: Mskwik
They are meant to only be used in guild wars

Table Of Contents
Speed Exp in Combat

Rejected by: Community
Possibly the worst idea in the history of Movoda