Alucards Universal Combat Guide For Movodian Combatters
Firstly, know your foes –
Secondly, know your weapons and armor –
Ok, an ideal level to start combat is Character level 10 that way you will have enough HP needed to survive with foods and armour at the first stage of your combat journey.
Pro Tip: Speed is very useful in a combat situation because it allows you to get in hit faster and gain XP faster. The usage of Jalapeno Peppers are good also because they boost your speed (try not to use too many)
Acronyms used in this guide:
Ro L? – Ring of Life
Ro S? – Ring of Speed
Ro F? – Ring of Flexibility
The First Steps
Get some foods, tuna steaks, cooked haddock or salmon is ideal.
Pro Tip: Get to 5 Woodcutting so you can use the Nagaromi Hatchet and 10 Mining to use the Banjo and 5 Mining for the Nagaromi Pickaxe.
Pro Tip: Try to carry more then one set of equipment if you can because sometimes equipment breaks during battle.
Use this set-up
Head: Bronze Full Helm (+2 Defense)
Face: Bronze Full Helm (+2 Defense)
Upper Body: Bronze Chainmail (+3 Defense)
Left Hand: Bronze Dagger (+2 Attack) or Enhanced Bronze Dagger (+2 Attack +1 Defense) or Bronze Shield (-1 Attack +2 Defense)
Right Hand: Bronze Battleaxe (+5 Attack)
Gloves: Bronze Gauntlets (+1 Defense)
Lower Body: Bronze Leg Guards (+2 Defense -1 Agility)
Feet: Bronze Sabatons (+1 Defense)
Ring: Ring of Speed (+1 Speed) or Ring of Life (+1 Defense, +1 HP)
Tool: Bronze Hatchet (+1 Attack) or Nagaromi Hatchet (+2 Attack)
Accessory: None or if level 10 mining – Banjo (+1 Attack)
Total Equipped Stats:
Defensive Build
+9 (+1
Ro L?) Head, Face, Upper Body, Gloves, Lower Body and Feet Only
+10 (+1
Ro L?) with Armor and Enchanted Bronze Dagger
+11 (+1
Ro L?) with Armor and Bronze Shield
Attack Build
+8 Attack
+9 Attack with Nagaromi Hatchet
-1 Agility
Pro Tip: Agility is good for lower levels since it allows you to dodge attacks and hit the monsters accurately. Raising your character level will give you one point of Agility per two levels.
Right, now that you have your equipment ready and your food ready go fight in Moskim. The Deer and Wolves drop Animal skins which are useful to crafters and raw meat which is useful to Chefs, also the Foxes drop Fox tails, raw meat and animal skins.
Pro Tip: When fighting try not to look away too often as you may die and then you will lose everything that you do not have equipped.
Combat Level 5 (Hell yeah I'm a tank)
Ok now you are at the next stage of your combat journey.
Replace your old gear with these:
Left Hand: Nagaromi Shield (+3 Defense, +1 MP)
Right Hand: Young Warrior's Sword (+6 Attack) or Nagaromi Sword (+6 Attack, +1 MP)
Hands: Barktomi Gloves (+1 Defense, +1 Agility)
Lower Body: Barktomi Shinguards (+2 Defense)
Feet: Sjirkomi Boots (+2 Defense)
Neck: Bearclaw Necklace (+1 Attack, +1 Defense, +1 HP)
Next Stop: Galawi (Land of Cougars, Bears and Ghosts)
Once you have reached level 5 combat and have your new items equipped try your hand at Galawi the monsters there are slightly stronger then the ones in Moskim and give better XP. Both Bears drop animal skins, bear claws (good for crafting), raw meat and Rings of Life.
Cougars drop animal skins and raw meat and Ghosts drop gems and SOMETIMES the elusive Ghost Card which are extremely rare. Try to fight here till you are level 10 or 12 to be safe for the next area.
Combat level 10 (Hell yeah, I'm Ironman)
Travel your ass to Barin Plains on the main island there you will find some new Monsters to beat on but first replace all your gear with some iron since you will need all the Defense you can get here.
Head: Iron Full Helm (+3 Defense) or Iron Helmet (+2 Defense)
Face: Iron Full Helm (+3 Defense) or Costume Mask (+1 Defense +1 Speed)
Neck: Bearclaw Necklace (+1 Attack, +1 Defense, +1 HP) or Tooth Necklace (+3 Attack)
Upper Body: Iron Platemail (+7 Defense, -1 Speed)
Left Hand: Iron Dagger (+3 Attack) or Enhanced Iron Dagger (+3 Attack +1 Defense) or Nagaromi Shield (+3 Defense)
Right Hand: Iron Scimitar (+6 Attack) or Iron Mace (+7 Attack -1 Defense)
Gloves: Iron Gauntlets(+2 Defense)
Lower Body: Barktomi Shinguards (+2 Defense)
Feet: Sjirkomi Boots (+2 Defense) Iron Sabatons (+2 Defense)
Ring: Ring of Speed (+1 Speed) or Ring of Life (+1 Defense, +1 HP) or Ring of Flexibility (+2 Agility)
Tool: Bronze Hatchet (+1 Attack) or Nagaromi Pickaxe (+1 Defense) or Nagaromi Hatchet (+2 Attack)
Accessory: Banjo (+1 Attack)
Pro Tip Once you hit level 15 Equip a Warrior's Necklace.
Pro Tip: Level 15 you are also able to equip a Maanvaki Trident (+7 Attack) and Maanvaki Spear (+4 Attack, +1 Defense) and at level 18 a Warrior's Blade (+7 Attack, +1 Defense) so try to get these weapons if you can.
Fight here till you are level combat level 18 (in some cases) or 20 (to be on the safe side)
Pro Tip: If you use your Iron Mace, equip your Nagaromi Shield and try to use your Sjirkomi Boots since they have better durability (they break less often) then Iron Sabatons.
Pro Tip: Galawi is better exp at Combat Level 10 then Barin Plains.
Now here is where things start to get interesting (or annoying) once you hit level 20 you will have to renounce your Faldorian nationality to Erfdarian you can find out how to do that somewhere in the Tips section.
Once you have got through all that annoying crap renouncing and joining the pointy eared elves you can now get some better equipment!
Combat Level 20 (I've got (crystal) balls of steel)
Now you are combat 20, well done. Sporting your new nationality pop yourself over to Bulbas to fight Beetles with your shiny new Steel armor you sexy looking combatter you.
Head: Steel Helm (+3 Defense) or Horned Helm (+1 Attack, +2 Defense)
Face: Costume Mask (+1 Defense, +1 Speed)
Neck: Warrior's Necklace (+2 Attack, +2 Defense, +2 HP) or Tooth Necklace (+3 Attack)
Upper Body: Steel Platemail (+9 Defense, -1 Agility)
Left Hand: Butterfly Knife (+4 Attack, +1 Defense) or Enhanced Butterfly Knife (+4 Attack, +2 Defense) or Spiked Shield (+2 Attack, +4 Defense)
Right Hand: Katana (+8 Attack) or Elite Katana (+8 Attack, +1 Agility)
Gloves: Dragonhide Gloves (+4 Defense)
Lower Body: Steel Leg Guards (+3 Defense)
Feet: Steel-toed Boots (+1 Attack, +3 Defense, +1 Agility)
Ring: Ring of Speed (+1 Speed) or Ring of Life (+1 Defense, +1 HP) or Ring of Flexibility (+2 Agility)
Tool: Nagaromi Pickaxe (+1 Defense) or Nagaromi Hatchet (+2 Attack)
Accessory: Banjo (+1 Attack)
Pro Tip: Head: Fruitcake (+4 Defense) requires combat level 25 as well as Dwarven Necklace (+2 Attack, +3 Defense, +3 HP)
Fight here till you are level 28 or level 30 (to be safe)
Pro Tip: This is IMPORTANT INFOMATION if you are having trouble fighting monsters from here on in search the monster here – Look at their ATTACK stat and your DEFENSE must be 10 LEVELS HIGHER then their ATTACK using this easy formula change your equipment to suit your needs and the fights will be alot easer.
Pro Tip: If you are Combat level 25 can fight at onnix effectively
Level 30 Combat (Aluminum makes you trippy?)
Once you hit 30 change your nationality once again! to Odtoni which requires 50 codebooks. Once you have done that use this setup and go to Onnix to fight goblins.
Head: Aluminum Helmet (+1 Attack, +3 Defense)
Face: Costume Mask (+1 Defense, +1 Speed)
Neck: Dwarven Necklace (+2 Attack, +3 Defense, +3 HP) or Warrior's Necklace (+2 Attack, +2 Defense, +2 HP)
Upper Body: Aluminum Plate (+7 Defense, +1 Speed)
Left Hand: Butterfly Knife (+4 Attack, +1 Defense) or Enhanced Butterfly Knife (+4 Attack, +2 Defense) or Spiked Shield (+2 Attack, +4 Defense)
Right Hand: Katana (+8 Attack) or Elite Katana (+8 Attack, +1 Agility)
Gloves: Dragonhide Gloves (+4 Defense) or Aluminum Gauntlets (+3 Defense, +1 Speed )
Lower Body: Aluminum Shinguards (+3 Defense, +1 Speed)
Feet: Aluminum Clogs (+4 Defense, +2 Speed) or Steel-toed Boots (+1 Attack, +3 Defense, +1 Agility)
Ring: Ring of Speed (+1 Speed) or Ring of Life (+1 Defense, +1 HP) or Ring of Flexibility (+2 Agility)
Tool: Nagaromi Pickaxe (+1 Defense) or Nagaromi Hatchet (+2 Attack)
Accessory: Banjo (+1 Attack)
Once you reach level 33 combat change to this gear if the occasion requires it remember your DEFENSE must be 10 LEVELS HIGHER then their ATTACK:
Upper Body: Aluminum-weave Armor (+8 Defense, +1 Agility)
Lower Body: Aluminum-weave Chaps (+4 Defense)
Gloves: Aluminum-weave Gloves (+4 Defense)
Feet: Aluminum-weave Boots (+4 Defense, +1 Agility)
A Varg (+11 Attack, +2 Defense, -2 Speed) and Cunovashi (+6 Attack, -3 Defense, +1 Speed) can be used at level 30 once you do a quest
The Ona Sword (+12 Attack -1 Agility) and the Rare Ona Talisman (+3 Attack, +3 Defense, +3 HP, +2 Speed) can both be used at combat level 35.
Pro Tip: Onnix drops are extremely useful since the Goblins and Hobgoblins drop Jalapeno Peppers they can sell for a good price or be used for speed training.
Fight here till you are combat level 38 or 40 to be on the safe side
Combat Level 40 (Titanium, now its personal)
Well done combatter you have gained 40 combat levels Now you have access to some nice new armor but first you have two choices
Choice 1: Change to Faldorian and Fight Lizards at Unopos Mesa.
Choice 2: Change to Erfdrian and fight Trees, Vines and Elves in Cythe.
Remember your training young one, your DEFENSE must be 10 LEVELS HIGHER then their ATTACK so find out the stats of each monster and mess about with your equipment till you have the right combo.
Here is the optimal equipment for level 40 combat:
Head: Titanium Helm (+5 Defense)
Face: Titanium Helm (+5 Defense)
Neck: Dwarven Necklace (+2 Attack, +3 Defense, +3 HP) or Warrior's Necklace (+2 Attack, +2 Defense, +2 HP) or Ona Talisman (+3 Attack, +3 Defense, +3 HP, +2 Speed)
Upper Body: Titanium Breastplate (+11 Defense)
Left Hand: Adamantite Dagger (+6 Attack, +3 Speed) or Titanium Dagger (+7 Attack)
Right Hand: Adamantite Longsword (+11 Attack, +2 Defense) or Adamantite-tipped Whip (+8 Attack, +1 Defense, +2 Agility, +2 Speed) or Titanium Longsword (+12 Attack, -1 Speed)
Gloves: Titanium Gauntlets (+5 Defense)
Lower Body: Titanium Shinguards (+5 Defense)
Feet: Titanium Boots (+5 Defense) Aluminum Clogs (+4 Defense, +2 Speed) or Aluminum-weave Boots (+4 Defense, +1 Agility)
Ring: Ring of Speed (+1 Speed) or Ring of Life (+1 Defense, +1 HP) or Ring of Flexibility (+2 Agility)
Tool: Nagaromi Pickaxe (+1 Defense) or Nagaromi Hatchet (+2 Attack)
Accessory: Banjo (+1 Attack)
Now this is the part where you will break down and cry for your mother since it requires alot of time and effort once you hit level 65 combat you can play with the best armor and weapons in the game.
I would suggest you gain levels in speed up to a maximum of 49 (Mix and match your equipment as needed and remember you Defense must be ten levels higher then the monsters Attack power for you to have an advantage)
Rhizard Spear would be a good choice to include for Level 40. It lacks the speed from Adamantite but has the same +attack and more defense.
Combat Level 65 (L33t U8er Haxor Z?)
From here you must change your nationality back to Odtoni then fight at Natons Deep Mines.
Optimal Equipment:
Head: Aliki Helm (+8 Defense)
Face: Aliki Helm (+8 Defense)
Neck: Dwarven Necklace (+2 Attack, +3 Defense, +3 HP) or Warrior's Necklace (+2 Attack, +2 Defense, +2 HP) or Ona Talisman (+3 Attack, +3 Defense, +3 HP, +2 Speed)
Upper Body: Aliki Hauberk (+1 Attack, +12 Defense, +1 Speed, +1 Agility) or Aliki Breastplate (+14 Defense)
Left Hand: Tinran Dirk (+12 Attack) or Aliki Targe (+13 Defense, -1 Speed, +2 HP, -2 Agility)
Right Hand: Tinran Falchion (+13 Attack, +4 Defense, +3 Speed) or Tinran-Tipped Whip (+14 Attack, +3 Defense, +2 Agility, +3 Speed) or Tinran Mallet (+26 Attack, -1 Speed, -1 Agility)
Gloves: Aliki Gauntlets (+8 Defense)
Lower Body: Aliki Legs (+8 Defense)
Feet: Aliki Shoes (+8 Defense)
Ring: Ring of Speed (+1 Speed) or Ring of Life (+1 Defense, +1 HP) or Ring of Flexibility (+2 Agility)
Tool: Nagaromi Pickaxe (+1 Defense) or Nagaromi Hatchet (+2 Attack)
Accessory: Banjo (+1 Attack)
Other Combat Areas
Mount Pharos – Goats, Lions, Barktomi, Sjirkomi and Baby Dragons are here. You can go here at a low level and fight the Animals and the tribes but watch out for the Baby Dragon.
Nalurn Woods – Random attack area, you will get attacked by Elk, Bears and Wolves this can be done at level 8+ combat.
Zhyack – Random attack area, Cavelurk, Grues, White and Black Bats roam here you will need at least 49 Defense to fight here decently. You may also bump into a Baby Dragon here so keep an eye out or have enough Defense (70) to tackle it.
Onnix (Bats) – Bats are annoying buggers, they are hard to hit so equip your +Agility gear and make sure your Defense is at least 49.
Jiroka – Marakites are tough without level 40+ Mythral armor and armor that gives a bonus to magic Defense, if you wish to go fight here make sure you have and Optimal Magic Defense of 57 to be able to withstand the shocks.
Pro Tip: Some people have had success with 45 Magic Defense in this area.
Danycia (Fight on Beach) – Rhizards and Turtles you can face here ONLY if you are Neutral, you will need at least 74 Defense to fight here effectively. Rhizards will also drop Rhizard Stews which will aid chefs. Go grab yourself a Rhizard Spear if you havent already since they are very handy at level 40 Combat.
Cardina Desert – The daddy of the combat spots currently the highest level combat zone in Movoda you must have at least 145 -146 Defense to even try this area. Also there is a chance here that you will suffer poison damage, this lowers your Defense, attack and agility by one point each hit.
On Raids and Raiding
Guild wars, how we love them and hate them. The rules state that you can only attack a guild two levels below your own in the combat rankings and anyone above you as long as they are not an ally or have a peace treaty with you.
If you you are attacked by someone you have seven days to counter-attack them. Optimal Gear would most definatly be Full Mythral or Polathurn sets because most people nowadays like to eat Tacos (+1 Spell Damage) and just shock people to death. The Trick is to take people as as quickly as possible.
Optimal Gear for Raiding Purposes (Level 40 Attacking or Defending)
Head: Mythral Helm (+3 Defense, -3 MP, +2 Magic Defense)
Face: Dwarven Mask (+2 Defense, +3 Magic Defense)
Neck: Dwarven Necklace (+2 Attack, +3 Defense, +3 HP)
Upper Body: Mythral Full Plate (+13 Defense, -1 MP Restore, +4 Magic Defense)
Left Hand: Enhanced Adamantite Dagger (+6 Attack, +1 Defense, +3 Speed) or Fancy Dwarven Shield (+5 Defense, -1 Agility, +5 Magic Defense)
Right Hand: Adamantite Longsword (+11 Attack, +2 Defense) or Adamantite-tipped Whip (+8 Attack, +1 Defense, +2 Agility, +2 Speed)
Gloves: Mythral Gloves (+4 Defense, -3 MP, +2 Magic Defense)
Lower Body: Mythral Full Plate (+13 Defense, -1 MP Restore, +4 Magic Defense)
Feet: Fancy Dwarven Boots (+4 Defense, -1 MP, +2 Magic Defense)
Ring: Ring of Speed (+1 Speed) or Ring of Life (+1 Defense, +1 HP) or Ring of Flexibility (+2 Agility)
Tool: Nagaromi Pickaxe (+1 Defense) or Nagaromi Hatchet (+2 Attack)
Accessory: Banjo (+1 Attack)
Optimal Gear for Raiding Purposes (Level 65 Attacking or Defending)
Head: Polathurn Helm (+5 Defense, -3 MP, +3 Magic Defense)
Face: Polathurn Mask (+2 Defense, +6 Magic Defense)
Neck: Dwarven Necklace (+2 Attack, +3 Defense, +3 HP) or Warrior's Necklace (+2 Attack, +2 Defense, +2 HP) or Ona Talisman (+3 Attack, +3 Defense, +3 HP, +2 Speed)
Upper Body: Polathurn Breastplate (+11 Defense, +5 Magic Defense, -1 MP Restore)
Left Hand: Tinran Dirk (+10 Attack, +2 Speed) or Polathurn Shield (+6 Defense, +5 Magic Defense, -1 Agility) or Polathurn Mirror Shield (+8 Defense, +8 Magic Defense, -1 Agility)
Right Hand: Tinran Falchion (+13 Attack, +4 Defense, +3 Speed) or Tinran-Tipped Whip (+14 Attack, +3 Defense, +2 Agility, +3 Speed) or Tinran Mallet (+26 Attack, -1 Speed, -1 Agility)
Gloves: Polathurn Gloves (+6 Defense, +5 Magic Defense, -4 MP)
Lower Body: Polathurn Shin Guards (+6 Defense, -4 Max Spell Damage, +4 Magic Defense)
Feet: Polathurn Green Boots (+6 Defense, +5 Magic Defense, -2 MP)
Ring: Ring of Speed (+1 Speed) or Ring of Life (+1 Defense, +1 HP) or Ring of Flexibility (+2 Agility)
Tool: Nagaromi Pickaxe (+1 Defense) or Nagaromi Hatchet (+2 Attack)
Accessory: Banjo (+1 Attack)
Now both of these sets you may or may not use depending on your situation you may not want to sacrifice your Mythral or Polathurn gear in an attack but it is enirely up to you.
Tips for Raiding and Defending
– Eat your combat foods as soon as the raid timer appears on your screen, exit, eat your food and quickly rejoin to get the most out of them.
– For defending wear your best gear because it will not get taken by the raider(s).
– Scout about beforehand for guild members online if you want to be sneaky.
– Botcheck before the raid starts because you don’t want to do a botcheck during a raid or you will most likely waste time.
World Invasions
World invasions happen at events or random times, when this happens there will be a system message in chat stating where the monsters are also you may get a message depending on your race only. Remember to check the monster section in the manual and gear up accordingly.
A List of Invasion Monsters
Taken from the
Combat skill page
Lvl Req | Rec Lvl | Enemy Name | Skill EXP | Level EXP | Guild EXP | Enemy HP | Drops |
? | ? | Chicken | EXP 3 | EXP 1 | EXP 1 | HP 2 | |
1 | 1 | Bunny | EXP 4 | EXP ? | EXP ? | HP 8 | |
1 | 1 | Squirrel | EXP 5 | EXP 1 | EXP 2 | HP 5 | |
1 | 1 | Fairy | EXP 8 | EXP 2 | EXP 4 | HP 5 | |
? | ? | Raccoon | EXP 10 | EXP 5 | EXP 5 | HP 9 | |
? | ? | Maanvaki Scout | EXP 25 | EXP ? | EXP ? | HP 26 | |
? | ? | Maanvaki Shaman | EXP 30 | EXP ? | EXP ? | HP 26 | |
? | ? | Maanvaki Warrior | EXP 30 | EXP ? | EXP ? | HP 30 | |
? | ? | Barktomi Elephant Rider | EXP 30 | EXP ? | EXP 15 | HP 45 | |
? | ? | Sjirkomi Berserker | EXP 35 | EXP ? | EXP 17 | HP 35 | |
? | ? | Flame Giant | EXP 90 | EXP ? | EXP ? | HP 100 | |
? | 55 | Ona Spearman | EXP 95 | EXP ? | EXP ? | HP 90 | |
? | 55 | Ona Warrior | EXP 100 | EXP ? | EXP ? | HP 90 | |
? | 55 | Ona Warlord | EXP 110 | EXP ? | EXP ? | HP 95 | |
Minotaur and Cave Goblin invasion |
It seems some monsters have decided that the smithy at Cardina would be a good place to move in |
? | 25 ? | Minotaur | EXP 50 | EXP ? | EXP ? | HP 55 | |
Pirate Invasion |
? | 10 ? | Parrot | EXP 20 | EXP 7 | EXP 10 | HP 10 | |
? | 20 | Pirate | EXP 55 | EXP 20 | EXP 27 | HP 25 | |
? | 25 | Pirate Captain | EXP 60 | EXP 20 | EXP 30 | HP 35 | |
? | 25 | Pirate Grenadier | EXP 60 | EXP 20 | EXP ? | HP 25 | |
? | 30 | Pirate Admiral | EXP 100 | EXP ? | EXP ? | HP 60 |
? | ? | Kraken | EXP 400 | EXP ? | EXP ? | HP 350 |
Tree invasion |
The people at Bulbas report a group of trees is surrounding their village. |
? | ? | Willow | EXP 85 | EXP 40 | EXP 42 | HP 65 |
? | ? | Elder Ash | EXP 90 | EXP 42 | EXP 45 | HP 75 |
Combat Quests
Here is a listing of all the quests that require the use of combat sorted by Combat level required.
Taken from the
Quests page.
The Queen's Servants – Fill the Queen's Zoo
Character Level 10
Combat Level 5
Faldorian Citizenship
Legendary Woodcutting 2
Woodcutting level 15
Combat level 10
Character level 10
The Warrior's Secret
Barin Plains
Character Level 10
Combat Level 10
Completed Mack Daddy
King Bear Ruckus
Completed Lending a Hand
Combat Level 15
The Second Encounter
Port Barin
Completed Help the pioneers
Smithing level 10
Combat level 15
The Old Wizard
Character Level 20
Magic Level 10
Combat Level 15
Woodcutting Level 15
Erfdarian Citizenship
Elven Charm Equipped
Lucky pick
Character Level 20
Mining Level 20
Combat Level 20
Odtoni Citizenship
The Castle of Dennech Cehuvah
Completed King Bear Quest
Combat Level 24
Cooking Level 10
Character Level 20
The End
Ok so that is the end for now, I hope you have enjoyed this guide as I have done writing it, please feel free to make comments below and add your own stratergies and equipment sets, thank you.
Thanks to all that have made this guide possible:
Sorry if I have forgotten anyone, if I have please tell me and I'll add your name to the list.
Keep on space truckin' –